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Clifford and Dorothy Hall Scholarship



    Clifford Hall fished on the West Coast and Alaska beginning in 1936 and ending in the late 1990’s with his retirement at the age of 81.  Clifford only retired then because his knees wouldn't cooperate with him as he was negotiating his way on and off the boat, sometimes having to jump across 4 or 5 boats deep while King Crab fishing on the Bering Sea.

    Cliff and his wife Dorothy lived between Newport, Oregon and Unalaska/Dutch Harbor, Alaska for all those years.  The Halls were very involved with the improvement of both communities and were highly respected in the fishing industry.  Clifford and Dorothy had children and grandchildren that were educated in both Newport and Unalaska, and were huge supporters of the schools in both communities.  In recognition of all they did for the betterment of the communities they loved, the hall family will be awarding scholarships in their name with the assistance of Newport Fishermen's Wives.

Qualifying institution includes colleges, universities, community colleges and trade schools.






Clifford and Dorothy Hall Memorial Scholarship Fund


Below is a current list of scholarships open to applications for the 2023/2024 school year. Listed are the name of the scholarship, community its available for, and description of what qualifications required to receive the scholarship. All Scholarships can be renewed the next year as long as you still fit the requirements and you resubmit the application.

All applicants must submit:

(1)Complete portfolio including letters of recommendation and a cover page listing work and volunteer experience, participation in school and community events/volunteer experience, awards and references, make sure to list all extra-curricular activities 


(2) Current copy of their transcript


  (3) Letters of recommendation


(4) Essay about long- and short-time goals

Clifford Hall Scholarship: This is a one term scholarship, to qualify you must have a direct family member within the household that works in the commercial fishing industry. Please write a short explanation of your connection to the fishing industry.

$500.00 -$1,000.00 scholarships

Available to students in Lincoln County, OR and Unalaska, AK school district


Kaino Clifford Dixon Scholarship: This is a one term scholarship for students going to a trade school

$500.00 -$2000.00 Scholarships

Available to students in Lincoln County, OR and Unalaska, AK school district


Dale Dorsey scholarship: This is a one term scholarship for Native American students.

$500.00 -$1,000.00 scholarships

Available to students in Lincoln County, OR and Unalaska, AK school district


Kyle Vinson scholarship: This is a one term scholarship for students going into Diesel Mechanics or Welding

$500.00 -$1,000.00 scholarships

Available to students in Lincoln County



Elizabeth Hall Scholarship: This is a one term scholarship for women going into the medical field.

$500.00 -$1,000.00 scholarships

Available to students in Lincoln County


Dorothy Hall Scholarship: This scholarship is for descendants of Clifford and Dorothy Hall.

Available to students in Lincoln County, OR and Unalaska, AK school district


Applications due the week before you schools’ awards night. We always take late application but unless we get low applications the funds will probably already be committed.

Winners will be announced at your school’s awards night

Applicants should mail required documents to

Clifford and Dorothy Hall Scholarship Fund

C/O Taunette Dixon

PO Box 2065

Newport, OR 97365

Or you can scan and send documents to

If you have been chosen to receive this scholarship, please send proof of enrollment from the Institution you will be attending with address and student id # to send the scholarship to your student account. Send info to NFW's Scholarship program, Att: Taunette Dixon, PO Box 2065, Newport, OR 97365

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